
Open positions:

We don’t have funded positions for master thesis students at the moment, but we can offer topics and supervision for master theses in the field of wearable computing.

Closed positions:

  • Full-time doctoral student. Application deadline is April 2, 2024.
  • Part-time research assistant for the EMIL project. Application deadline is April 15, 2023.
  • Part-time (min. 40%)/full-time business developer for the 3D localization for outdoor augmented reality project (01.2022 -), deadline: 15.12.2021.
    The Junior Business Developer will work under the supervision of a Senior Business Developer. Main tasks include market and competitor analysis, realtors (real-estate agents or brokers) survey, organization of meetings with key stakeholders, and preparation of communications materials.   Please send your CV and transcript to yu.xiao(at)

  • Part-time interaction designer
    for the 3D localization for outdoor augmented reality project (01.2022 – ), deadline: 10.12.2021. You will be working closely with our programmers, business developers and other key stakeholders to develop mobile augmented reality applications for real-estate agents and home seekers. Your tasks will include the creation of experience maps, user scenarios, mockups and flows. Other tasks will include:
    • Designing user-experiences from low-fidelity sketches to hi-fidelity pixel perfect mockups.
    • Creating rapid prototypes to validate design concepts with stakeholders and customers.
    • Highly detailed communication of design principles + direction, as well as design specifications to engineers.
    Please send your CV and portfolio to yu.xiao(at)
  • Postdoc or doctoral candidate, Wearable User Interfaces, deadline: 30.11.2021

  • Part-time software developer, deadline: Nov 15, 2021. 
    We are looking for a SW developer familiar with web development using Django framework. Experience using Docker and Apache or Nginx is an advantage. The task is to develop a web based “Care platform” portal that is used to communicate with a Virtual Reality exergame system. Care Platform is used by the care providers and patients to plan patient exergame routines and to collect/display statistics from the exergames. If you are interested in the position, please send your CV and transcript to Project Researcher timo.siponen(at)
  • Doctoral candidate, Simulation-based Design of Personalized Wearables, deadline: 31.8.2020
  • Master thesis worker, Autonomous resource management in fog computing
    The student is expected to have good programming skills (e.g. Matlab, C++, Python etc.) and experience in optimization tools. Familiarity with the basic principles of mobile communication networks is considered as a plus. This work is part of the ongoing 5G-MOBIX project funded by EU. Please send your CV and transcript to ozgur.akgul(at)
    Deadline: 15/1/2020
  • Postdoc Researcher, Interaction Design for AR/VR
    Deadline: December 1, 2019
  • Full-time/Part-time Research Assistant, GPU Parallel Programming
    We are hiring a full-time/part-time research assistant to work on GPU parallel programming for computer vision from September 2019 for 3-6 months. The work can be extended into a master thesis. The student is expected to have completed the CS-E4580 Programming Parallel Computers course, and have good C++ programming skills. Experience with Unity programming is considered as a plus. If you are interested in the position, please send your CV and transcript to yu.xiao(at)
    Deadline: 31/10/2019
  • Doctoral student, Deep Learning
    Deadline: 15/05/2019
  • Funded master thesis projects (Topic 1: AR for assembly assistance, Topic 2: edge computing for cooperative driving, Topic 3: deep learning for sensor-based activity recognition).Please send your CV and transcript to yu.xiao(at)
    Deadline: 15/04/2019
  • Postdoc Researcher, Data-driven Edge Computing
    Deadline: 31/03/2019
  • Summer Interns
    We would like to hire 1-2 summer intern to conduct programming tasks. The candidates are expected to have strong programming skills, and have experience of web or Android application development. Experience with AR application development or user study would be considered as a plus. It is possible to extend the summer project into a master thesis project.Please send your CV and transcript to yu.xiao(at)
    Deadline: 15/03/2019
  • Doctoral student, Data-driven Capacity and Resource Management in Vehicular Fog Computing
    We are participating the HICT Spring call for exceptional doctoral students. More information about the application process can be found online.
    Deadline: 31/01/2019

  • Postdoc Researcher, AI-powered Mixed Reality

    Deadline: 20/01/2019  please submit your apps online
  • Postdoc Researcher, Machine Learning
    Deadline: 15/01/2019  Please submit your apps online.

  • Doctoral Student, Digital Materials in Experience Design

    We are participating the call for doctoral students for interdisciplinary experience research. If you are interested in AI-driven experience design in AR/VR, you can find more information from 7. digital materials in experience design .
    Deadline: 10/01/2019

  • Part-time/Full-time master thesis student / intern

    We are hiring a master thesis student/intern to work on virtual reality applications for employee training. The student is expected to have good programming skills and have experience with Unity or Unreal Engine. Basic knowledge about computer graphics and working experience in industry is considered as a plus. We expect the project to start in January 2019 and to end within 6 months. If you are interested in the position, please send your CV and transcript to yu.xiao(at)
    Deadline: 31/12/2018

  • Course Assistants for ELEC-E7320 Internet Protocols and ELEC-C7420 Basic Principles in Networking (Spring 2019)

    Candidates should have taken basic networking courses and have good Python programming skills. Course assistants will take care of the exercise sessions and help evaluate student assignments.If you are interested in the positions, please send your CV and transcripts to yu.xiao(at)
    Deadline: 15/11/2018

  • Doctoral Researcher, Mobile Edge Computing (for automotive, 5G-MOBIX project)

    Deadline: 15/10/2018

  • Part-time/Full-time Research Assistants

    We are hiring part-time/full-time research assistants to join our ongoing projects for prototype development. If you have experience with computer vision, AR/VR application development, or 5G experiments, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Our programming languages are Python, C/C++, and Java, depending on the applications.
    Closed on Oct 5, 2018

  • Doctoral Researcher, AI (for smart manufacturing)
    Deadline: 31/07/2018

  • Postdoc Researcher, Cognitive Computing (starting with an one-year contract)

    Deadline: 31/07/2018

  • Part-time Research Assistant (2-3 days/week)
    We are looking for a research assistant to work for the EIT Active project. The assistant is expected to have computer vision or machine learning background, and to be familiar with C++, Java, or Python programming. The contract will start immediately and last until end of June.
    If you are interested in the position, please send your CV and transcript to yu.xiao(at)
    Deadline: 22/02/2018

  • (Junior) Business Developer

    We are looking for a (Junior) Business Developer to join a potential TUTL project. The idea of the project is to prepare commercialization for the cognitive manufacturing technologies developed by the group. If the proposal is funded, the project will start in August 2018 and will last for 18 months. We expect the (Junior) Business Developer to help prepare the project proposal in February and to start working full-time/part-time from August 2018. The key task is to identify potential customers and develop business models.
    If you are interested in joining the project, please send your CV and transcript to yu.xiao(at)
    Deadline: 21/01/2018

  • Doctoral Researcher, Cognitive Computing

    Deadline: 15/08/2017

  • Postdoctoral Researcher, Mobile Cloud Computing

    Deadline: 15/06/2017

  • Doctoral Researcher, Mobile Cloud Computing

    Deadline: 01/06/2016


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