The mc² –Mobile Cloud Computing group at Aalto University, founded in 2016, conducts experimental systems research on edge computing and services for cognitive manufacturing, autonomous driving and digital healthcare. With members from technically diverse backgrounds, the mc² group is active in multi-disciplinary research and industrial collaboration.
We run a Wearable Systems Lab. It is a multidisciplinary group focusing on future wearable devices and applications. It provides facilities for developing and testing prototypes of smart textiles and XR applications. We also take care of the smart wearables courses.
- 1 professor, 2 postdocs, 8 doctoral students
- 5 European projects, 10 national projects, 2 spin-offs
- 86 peer-reviewed articles, 8 doctoral dissertations, 20+ master theses
Contact details:
- Prof. Yu Xiao
- Department of Information and Communications Engineering (DICE)
- School of Electrical Engineering
- Aalto University
- Konemiehentie 1 (KIDE building)
- 02150 Espoo, Finland
- yu.xiao(at)
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